About Me

Welcome to My Book of Fashion, my name is Aixa Torres and as you can already tell this is my fashion blog. My whole life I've lived in Atlanta, Georgia and although as much I love this city it's not somewhere I'd see myself living for the rest of my life. The one place I'd hope to move to is New York. When I visited New York for the first at the age of 15, I instantily fell in love with all the tall buildings, yellow cabs, and the busy streets. From then I knew that was the place I'd want to live. Growing up I never really was into fashion as much as I am today. Back then I was the girl that loved to dress just like everyone and follow the crowd. Until I got into high school that's when everything changed for me. I started reading Teen Vogue for the very first time and that's when my love for clothes developed. I started to learn about trends, designers, and how to match clothes the proper way. I later became the girl in school that everyone would dress as. As the years went by fashion started becoming something that was close to my heart. In my senior year of high school I had to make up my mind on what I wanted to do with my life, I realized that I wanted to work in the fashion industry when I grew up. Now I'm still not exactly sure on what specifically I want to do in the industry, I just hope with time I'll eventually figure that out.